Enterprise Content Management

OpenText has announced Extended ECM for SAP Solutions, Cloud Edition and Archive Center for SAP Solutions, Cloud Edition, to help companies integrate digital content into the OpenText cloud.

Newgen Software, a provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Content Management (ECM), and Customer Communication Management (CCM) platforms,  has released OmniDocs 10.0 , an enhanced version of its ECM Suite. The version enables faster and accurate processing of documents and allows users to design document processes through a no-code wizard setup. This version offers enriched user experience with an intuitive and refreshed UI/UX.

The Auditor-General has launched another scathing indictment of record-keeping practice in the Australian federal government, following a wide-ranging investigation into the Australian Border Force (ABF), a mega agency created in 2015 through the merger of the border control functions of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service.

Many technological advancements in the past 100 years have changed the way businesses operate, but perhaps none will have a greater impact than Artificial Intelligence. The past few years have seen new wave of innovations brought about by Artificial Intelligence (AI) that automates business processes and improves efficiencies across enterprises. A recent research by PwC reveals that Artificial intelligence (AI) will contribute as much as $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. That enormous value creation comes from productivity gains resulting from automating business processes and augmenting the existing labor force, as well as increased demand for higher quality and more personalized AI-based products.

Semantic Sciences has published details of a Metadata Extraction Project for IP Australia, the Australian Government agency responsible for administering intellectual property (IP) rights and legislation relating to patents, trademarks, designs and plant breeders’ rights.

Veritas Technologies has announced a Data Protection and Governance solution for Office 365 available as software as a service (SaaS) applications.

The risk of GDPR non-compliance is decreasing company profitability, earnings per share, and loss of customer trust, even for businesses that are not ‘caught’ and fined by the regulatory authorities

If you’re like me, you’ve no doubt received hundreds of emails in recent weeks from organisations around the world wanting to update you on their privacy policies. They were all rushing to meet a deadline of Friday 25 May. While for most people they were just more emails for the trash, there was, nonetheless, an important reason behind them.

Fastman has announced a major updated to its access control and permissions management solutions for OpenText Content Suite .

As a way of capturing, managing, storing and delivering content and documents, an enterprise content management system (ECM) can be worth its weight in organisational gold. Traditionally, document and content management was done using an on-premise ECM, but the emergence of cloud technologies expands the ECM offering to cloud or hybrid, combining the best of both worlds. You now have to choose a suitable ECM and one of two deployment options.
