Enterprise Content Management

Former MD of Pegasystems ANZ, Scott Leader has been announced as regional Vice President for Australia and New Zealand at cloud content management specialist Box

Solution provider Axient has signed a distribution agreement with Elcom Technology (Elcom) to incorporate Elcom’s Digital Workplace platform in its product offerings.

Io-Tahoe LLC , a developer of machine learning-driven smart data discovery products that span a wide range of heterogeneous technology platforms, from traditional databases and data warehouses to data lakes and other modern repositories, has announced the General Availability (GA) launch of the Io-Tahoe smart data discovery platform.

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is one of the most comprehensive overhauls of privacy regulation in recent history, and represents a significant expansion of the territorial scope of European privacy regulation. With less than two months to go until the scheme commences, Australian businesses should be asking the question: do I need to comply?

Australian solution provider Informotion is now one of the largest Micro Focus Secure Content Management Solutions reseller in the world – after taking onboard a nationwide team of consultants specialising in the iconic HPE TRIM/CM platform.

The cubicle walls in today’s workplace are coming down, nowhere more obvious than at Objective Corporation’s impressive new global HQ, known internally as The Skylab, located in the IT heartland of North Sydney.Moving to the new premises in 2017 required staff hike only a short distance up the road from their old office, however Objective took the opportunity to design a purpose-built new facility for more than 250 staff, including around 100 software engineers and developers, that fully embraced the trend towards activity-based working and digital processes.

When the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 25 May 2018, it represents the most comprehensive update to global data protection regulations in decades. Despite this regulation coming into force in under three months, reports have shown that many companies, particularly outside of Europe, are not well enough prepared for the profound ramifications the GDPR brings.

A solution to discover, secure and govern personal identifiable information (PII) while “in flight” - as it arrives from a batch or streaming data source or moves between compute platforms -  has been launched by StreamSets Inc., Designed with data privacy regulations in mind, StreamSets Data Protector is designed to reduce risk of expensive and embarrassing violations.

German enterprise software developer inovoo has launched a multi-channel capture platform, NOVO CxP, that receives structured and unstructured data and documents in a wide variety of formats, analyses it and hands it over to downstream processes in a standardised fashion.

A new Data Strategy Package from DATUM leverages their proprietary Information Value Management platform to focus on the capabilities necessary for organisations to easily get started with data governance.
