Network Storage

Google made waves last year through its controversial print library project in to scan the collections of five major US libraries and make them freely available online. Now, just as the din from that controversy is dying down, Microsoft has...

Determined to develop new digital media server (DMS) designs, Digital audio and video semiconductor developer WISchip International has announced a new partnership with streaming multimedia provider Digital 5.

A new Merrill Lynch survey maintains that despite increased demand for enterprise storage, spending will remain consistent with 2005 at 10.1 per cent of total spend.

Continuing the battle for High Definition DVD supremacy, the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) announced this week that its format specification and licensing is ready, allowing hardware vendors to finalise designs already being showcased at the show.

In a salvo of Q1 news EMC 'rebalances' its global workforce, spends US$30-million on Grid-based software and predicts record US$9.5-billion 2005 earnings after a $2.7-billion Q4 revenue rush.

According to Arkansas -based newspaper, The Benton County Record EMC Corporation and US retail giant, Wal-Mart are to sue a contractor for breaching IP laws.

High Definition DVD may still be months away from initial release, however, in more Blu-ray news from the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, TDK is already adding fuel to the format war fire by showcasing a 100GB recordable Blu-ray disc.

Highlighting the importance of data security, the international Hotel chain Marriot and Income Tax company H&R Block have both admitted to potentially compromising customer data this week.

American hard-drive maker Cornice has stepped up competition with flash storage makers by announcing its new line of Dragon micro drives.

The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has announced a full review of the XAM (eXtensible Access Method) - also known as the X-Access Method.
