Network Storage

Getting into 2005 by the skin of their teeth, Seagate and Maxtor have struck an agreement to merge in a US$1.9 billion all-stock mega deal. The combined company will retain Seagate’s name.

Teradata is shipping the latest version of its data warehousing software suite. It’s been two years since the last version hit the market in 2003, now Warehouse 8.1 is out and strutting around showing off its apparent enhancements to perfor...

Peter Jackson’s remake of the iconic King Kong has hit the cinemas. One of, if not the most CGI heavy movie in history, Kong has raised the bar when it comes to digital visuals. To do this, it needed a data archival system as powerful as th...

A new report from security seller claims that 2005 saw nearly two months in which end users were unprotected from a range of virii.

Just as Sony’s Blu-Ray technology seemed to be taking the lead in the next generation DVD contest HP, one of its bigger supporters, has suddenly decided to support both formats.

IBM has announced that it is expanding its relationship with Novell [SUSE] and Red Hat by elevating them to the highest tier of the Strategic Alliance program. The move marks the biggest relationship shift between IBM and its Linux distribu...

Storage solution provider Data Domain has released its new gateway server, the DD460g Enterprise Restorer. Aimed at turning fibre channel-attached external disk arrays into cost-effective storage environments, the DD460g uses software to co...

In a majority of 378 to 197, the European Parliament has just made investing in data management an even more sensible option by passing a bill requiring all European ISPs and Telcos to retain all data for two years…

Having completed compatibility testing of their its Atlas Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) hard drive family with LSI Logic’s SAS Host Bus Adapters, expanders, RAID controllers and ASIC initiators, Maxtor and LSI Logic have teamed up to drive SAS adoption.

US-based systems integrator, Affiliated Computer Services (ACS), has exposed an security whole in various VMware products that will enable hackers to run potentially dangerous code in systems that use NAT (Network Address Translation) networking.
