Network Storage

Small businesses can have their business files, accounting records and emails automatically backed up every day now without the inconvenience of alternating tapes, CDs or DVDs.

HP and EMC have agreed to resolve an argument about storage patents out of court, despite EMC winning this dispute last year, based on the legal problems which came with HP's acquisition of StorageApps.

Blue-laser storage technologies are closing the capacity gap with tape. David Braue wonders whether optical jukebox vendors can make customers care

Stuart Finlayson examines the advances made in the technique of turning data storage on its head that is set to do likewise to the storage industry

Blue-laser storage technologies are closing the capacity gap with tape. David Braue wonders whether optical jukebox vendors can make customers care

Hewlett-Packard has teamed up with Fujitsu, Hitachi and Seagate to speed up the development and adoption of the next generation hard drive technology designed to improve performance and server/storage density.

Storage networks and applications can be more easily integrated and managed to help with disaster recovery and storage consolidation through the release of a new intelligent SAN switch by MaXXan Systems.

Dell has taken its partnership with EMC a step further, and at the same time thrown down to gauntlet to rival vendor Network Appliance, with its plans to offer a network-attached storage (NAS) device aimed at the midrange market, in which ...

Veritas believes that customers expect much more from backup services than ever before, because of the ability of programmes to automatically archive data and the need for documents to be easily retrievable for compliance purposes.

The worldwide storage management software revenue increased 12.3 percent in 2004, an increase which was largely driven by strong sales in storage resource management.
