Network Storage

VMware customers are struggling to log into their virtual machines this week, after a bug in a software update began blocking them due to “expired licences”.

A new report from IDC has found that SMBs are far more concerned about the economy around the world than they are interested in innovative new technology.

Virtual Iron is promising to cut power use significantly with the latest release of its server virtualisation platform, which makes use of new LivePower automatic infrastructure management.

With data volumes growing exponentially and a myriad of miniature data storage devices running throughout modern enterprises, USB data theft is a growing problem, and one that companies such as FrontRange are attempting to address.

The analysts at IDC are predicting that the worldwide enterprise storage system semiconductor market will grow to US$1.3 (AU$) billion by 2012, offering many opportunities for companies that move quickly.

Texas Memory Systems has introduced what it has dubbed the world's fastest and highest capacity RAM solid state disk: the 512GB RamSan-440.

SanDisk is making compliance on the go a reality with the release of its new Write Once Read Many (WORM) digital memory card.

A new study from Varonis Systems and the Ponemon Institute highlights the problems modern organisations are having controlling access to unstructured data.

Information search specialist Coveo has announced the availability of its G2B for CRM, what it says is the only information access solution to provide designated users with a single view of all relevant customer data instantly from a range...

Following gains across the board, Dell is claiming the open systems storage crown after capturing a 20.4 percent share of the open systems (Windows/Linux) external worldwide disk array storage market for the first time.
