Network Storage

Spectra Logic claims it has new lifecycle management kit that will change how tape backup environments are viewed with its new tape-related error reduction software.

Using its October 2007 acquisition of NovusCG as a platform, IBM has released new storage optimisation services tailored with the media and entertainment industry in mind.

Hot on the heels of the IBM-Linden Labs private Second Life server announcement comes more virtual news from Big Blue, this time that they’ll be hosting an entirely virtual Life Sciences expo.

Some of the most remote places on the planet are also home to sophisticated IT deployments for everything from monitoring the ash plumes of an active volcano to tidal levels at tsunami warning centres.

While RFID (Radio frequency identification) technology is becoming more commonplace in our everyday lives, Australian industry is yet to embrace its potential to transform the management of the supply chain and end-to-end logistics.

Aiming for greater security when disposing of old IT equipment, Seagate Recovery Services has introduced three new data erasure products that use a series of algorithms to erase all data from a disk drive to ensure sensitive information do...

As the green revolution gains momentum, many parts of the IT industry are showing they can be green too. With this and greener data in mind, the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has announced that it too has aligned with The ...

Sun Microsystems and Fujistu have introduced two new servers based on the UltraSPARC T2 Plus processor.

According to a new Vizioncore survey, virtualisation cuts application downtime and speed system recovery.

It’s already taking the industry by storm, but according to the analysts at Gartner virtualisation will still be hot through 2012.
