Network Storage

Microsoft has announced the acquisition of the United Kingdom based online mapping company, Multimap for $US 50 Million ($AU 56 Million)

Researchers in the US have reportedly hit upon a new method of data storage that uses nanolasers to hit densities upwards of 10 terabits per square inch.

The Asia/Pacific region, excluding Japan, is quickly closing in on the United States with its share of global server electricity use.

It’s Patch Tuesday, meaning it is that fateful day of Microsoft patch releases which has been known to cause headaches for IT departments and celebrations for end users who get to see their issues patched up.

Very public and very embarrassing moments can do amazing things when it comes to opening the purse strings of an organisation trying to prevent the same thing from ever occurring again, such is the case with the Ohio State Governments mass...

Presenting at the International Electron Devices Meeting in Washington, Toshiba has announced the development of a new double tunneling layer technology that opens up the possibility of 10 nanometre flash memory.

Vodafone Australia has announced plans to build a $500 Million 3G mobile broadband network before Christmas 2008.

EMC have released a new version of Invista, which includes interoperability with their subsidiary VMware’s Infrastructure.

According to the analysts at IDC, Q3 of 2007 has seen strong growth in demand for archiving and data protection and recovery software.

The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has announced that five vendors are now shipping products blessed by its Conformance Testing Program (SNIA-CTP) for the Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) Provider Test suite.
