OmniFind Leaves No Stone Unturned

OmniFind Leaves No Stone Unturned

July 6, 2007: IBM has enhanced its enterprise search capabilities, releasing new software that enables users to securely search intranets, databases, public web sites and file systems from a single interface.

The company says its latest version of OmniFind Enterprise Edition search software provides a single dashboard for enterprise search, discovery and analysis for IBM Lotus Domino users.

Featuring full-text indexing and search of Domino databases, IBM says OmniFind enables users to quickly find information stored in Lotus Document Manager, Quickr and QuickPlace documents, as well as other enterprise information from applications, repositories and shared files from across an organisation.

Seemingly taking a leaf out of Xerox’s book, IBM claims that due to extensive server-side support for Lotus Domino, OmniFind can enhance search through its ability to bring conceptual understanding to searches using “semantic interpretation”. This basically means abstract concepts can be teased out by the software, enabling it to do more than bring back results based on the entered keywords alone.

Add to this new Web 2.0 features that enable the search application to be customised via the console (with changes being previewed immediately), and the ability to search from with IBM applications instead of from a static web page, and OmniFind begins to differentiate itself from other offerings.

The new version also comes with pre-built crawlers for WebSphere Portal Document Manager, WebSphere Portal Web pages and Workplace Web Content Management, and is available now.

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