Firefox Popularity Soaring in Europe

Firefox Popularity Soaring in Europe

By Greg McNevin

July 16, 2007: Watch out Internet Explorer, Firefox use is on the up and up in Europe with a reported market share of 27.8 percent during the first week of July.

This leaves IE with 66.5 percent, and other browsers such as Safari and Opera with the remaining 5.7 percent according to XiTiMonitor.

The French firm monitored 96,000 between the 2nd and the 8th of July, finding that Firefox has been making dramatic gains overall, and in some cases even threatening to overtake IE as the browser of choice.

Use of the open source browser in countries such as Slovenia and Finland is almost eclipsing IE in the popularity states with 47.9 and 45.4 percent respectively. Further to this, in countries such as Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Poland and Slovakia Firefox is snapping at IE’s heels with close to 40 percent market share.

The study shows that Firefox is rapidly growing in popularity, undergoing a spectacular 3.7 percent rise since march this year when a similar study was conducted. And while these results are centred on Europe, Firefox’s army of supporters has also been growing in leaps and bounds around the world, with recently announcing that the browser has captured over 25 percent of the world market for example.

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