Your XP Desktop in Any Browser?

Your XP Desktop in Any Browser?

By Greg McNevin

May 8, 2007: A new remote desktop hosting service has kicked off its beta test this week, illustrating not only how flexible virtualisation can be, but also how rapidly online applications are increasing in maturity and popularity.

Called Nivio, the service enables a Windows XP desktop along with a range of applications to be accessed from within any compatible browser. This means that Windows applications can be run on Mac, Linux and even some handheld devices, and further to this can be run regardless of system specifications as the server does all the heavy lifting.

The service runs on Windows Server 2003 and VMware systems in Switzerland and New Delhi data centres, and are accessed using a Java RDP applet or ActiveX control.

Once set up, the remote desktop can be used on its own or synchronised with files a local machine. Applications are a different story though. The service includes a range of free open source applications (, Firefox, Thunderbird and Yahoo! or Google instant messaging for example), as well as Microsoft’s suite of Office applications for a monthly premium.

Only applications on Nivio’s supported list can be used, however, others may be added to the list on request.

Beta trials are currently free, with no guarantee the service will be available. When it is launched officially, Nivio will offer 5GB of SAN storage with backup services for around $19 a month for general users and $11.50 for students.

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