Microsoft Preparing for Patent War?

Microsoft Preparing for Patent War?

May 15, 2007: Microsoft has taken a swing at the open source community, alleging that open source software is violating 235 of its patents. Should the Linux community be circling its wagons?

The long list of allegations has risen from a recent report in Fortune magazine, and according to Microsoft lawyer Brad Smith include: 42 violations for the Linux kernel, 65 infringements by the GUI and 45 violations by Open Office programs.

Fortune says Smith also notes that various open source e-mail applications and other unnamed programs infringe on 15 and 68 Microsoft patents respectively.

While it is a bit early for open source developers to start worrying about litigation, especially considering Microsoft has made no formal announcement that it will be chasing down its claims in court, the comments are an indication that the company could be preparing to pursue its claims more aggressively.

After making its pact with Redmond last year Novell will no doubt be sleeping easy. What other open source vendors could face though, is currently unclear. One thing is for sure though, the clouds are gathering.

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