Automation will help A/NZ business flatten the curve: IDC
RPA is a fast-growing class of software designed to automate repetitive tasks. Processes can run without human intervention, improving business resiliency in times of crisis. Companies deploy RPA software across many facets of their businesses. These include solutions for, network automation, payroll processes, data manipulation, and fraud detection.
To be fair, A/NZ businesses were already ahead of the RPA adoption curve before the pandemic, compared to other Asia Pacific businesses, according to IDC's Survey. For companies that have planned or deployed RPA solutions, around half in A/NZ had already reached mid-stage or enterprise- wide adoption before COVID struck, compared to a quarter for the rest of Asia Pacific.
"COVID-19 will be the catalyst for many A/NZ organisations to expand their RPA repertoire", notes IDC A/NZ Senior Research Manager, Monica Collier.
"They may extend existing RPA solutions more widely across the enterprise or deploy new RPA solutions,” she said.
IDC says intelligent automation will be a key technology propelling business through digital transformation (DX). It can assist organisations to flatten their recovery curve, moving out of a recessionary phase and into a growth phase faster.
To remain agile and disruptive, businesses need to adapt quickly. "Changing your business by using automation is much faster than changing your business using people," Collier concludes.