BakBone Protects Red Hat 5.0

BakBone Protects Red Hat 5.0

March 19, 2007: Enterprise Linux has received another boost this week with BakBone Software announcing support of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 across its entire product range.

BakBone already supports RHEL 4.0, support for RHEL 5.0 is currently development and will provide, according to the company, “cohesive data protection capabilities across all platforms.”

The company claims that its data protection products enable enterprise customers to more easily embrace open source technologies, particularly in mixed environments.

“Customer demand for Linux platform support is on the rise as organisations move increasingly more databases and mission-critical applications to Linux for ease-of-use and flexibility in computing,” said Lauren Whitehouse, analyst at ESG. “The challenge for enterprise customers running Linux in mixed environments is finding ease-of-use and flexibility in a single data protection solution.

“With multi-platform support and a strong Linux heritage, BakBone is uniquely positioned to help customers meet new and evolving demands for their data protection needs.”

“From backup and recovery to replication and advanced report management, BakBone offers the broadest Linux-based support in the storage management market,” claims Jeff Drescher, director of product management at BakBone. “We continue to build upon our Linux expertise and work closely with our partners in the open source community to bring leading enterprise solutions to market.”

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