Vignette flicks the switch on Web video

Vignette flicks the switch on Web video

June 12, 2008: Vignette is looking to ease the way for those embarking on video delivery over the Web.

Vignette Rich Media Services now includes a video module that integrates with Vignette Content Management, enabling organisations to manage the workflow and publishing of video and all other Web content from one interface.

Vignette Video Services is a hosted video management solution that provides capabilities to upload, transcode and manage and deliver video. Both products leverage the same core video processing platform and include a media player that offers the ability to tag and share any segment of a video. The Flash-based player can be embedded on any site.

Vignette is also working on future capabilities to provide Web publishers with a "heat map" that identifies the most watched parts of a video.

Video is now integrated into Vignette Content Management, allowing video assets to use the same authorisation and security model, share advanced metadata and participate in the same workflow and publishing model as other Web content. Additionally the videos can be delivered to any Web site via Vignette's embedded Flash player, through a content delivery network or directly from Vignette Video servers.

"Video is no longer a nice to have component to a Web site but a must have for organisations that want to increase traffic and connect with their constituents through engaging content," said Dave Dutch, senior vice president of products and marketing at Vignette.

"Vignette's video products deliver these capabilities on top of a scalable and reliable enterprise-class Web experience platform."

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