Dynagram Rolls Out Updates

Dynagram Rolls Out Updates

November 8th, 2006: In a wave of announcements, Dynagram has trumpeted the release of its latest inpO2 imposition software, its new Dynastrip 5.0, Dynastrips recent CIP4 certification and a new online training course.

Distributed by Australia’s DataBasics, Dynagram’s updates for its prepress applications will make life easier for companies who have deplored end-to-end PDF workflows. The company says that the new inpO2 1.0 imposition solution is specifically designed for contemporary printers and unlike other products on the market, inpO2 combines powerful imposition technology with an intuitive, familiar interface, based on the Adobe Acrobat platform.

"inpO2 is, simply, imposition rethought," said Tracey-Lee Batsford, General Manager at Dynagram. "Dynagram gleaned requests from our OEM partners, worldwide sales network and directly with our customers. We combined the best of both worlds, enabling inpO2 customers to impose any type of imposition job, with a tool that is easily understood by novices and experts alike. If your job can fold, we can impose it. Without the headaches, without the waste, and on time."

Along with impO2, the company also announced an update to its flagship product DynaStrip 5.0. According to Dynagram, this update intelligent marks that allow customers to group marks into sets, using individual mark profiles. The new software also features advanced JDF capabilities.

Dynastrip has also been recently certified by the International Cooperation for the Integration of the Processes in Prepress, Press and Postpress (CIP4) organisation and Printing Industries of America/Graphic Arts Technical Foundation (PIA/GATF). Dynagram says that this certification illustrates DynaStrip's interoperability conformance with the CIP4's JDF specification, Layout Creator to Imposition ICS Level 1 and Base ICS Level 0.

Finally, the company has announced a new DynaStrip d/certified online training course in conjunction with Prepress Training Solution. The two say that the course enables them to teach the basics of imposition and DynaStrip in a user-friendly way.

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