New Blu-Ray Device In Australia And New Zealand

New Blu-Ray Device Released In Australia, NZ

July 7th, 2006: Region 4 announces Bravo XR-Blu device release for high-capacity Blu-Ray devices.

Bravo XR-Blu is the first device which can support Blu-Ray Disc recorders and media. The device uses single-layer 25 gigabyte discs with a 50 gigabyte per disc upgrade to be made available shortly. With up to 50 discs loadable at any one time the total capacity increases to 2.5 terabytes making large data transfers possible.

According to Timmi Hingston, Media Representative for Region 4, “Blu Ray has generated a lot of excitement and noise, this release means you can distribute large amounts of data, particularly in-house, with one disc. At the moment it’s targeted more towards larger organisations with the device but as Blu-Ray becomes more widespread that will change to be more inclusive of other businesses”.

Also included are built-in robotics, full-colour disc inkjet printing and Blu-Ray enabled recording software. Region 4 says it expects the Bravo XR-Blu to be used in a wide variety of applications in business, government, military, medical, back-up and archival, insurance and digital movie post production.

The device is currently available in Australia and New Zealand with an RRP of AU$ 7799 (inc GST).

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