Chariot Chief In More Hot Water

Chariot Chief In More Hot Water

July 25th, 2006: ASIC has put Adelaide ISP Chariot MD on trial for seven charges relating to allegations made while he was the secretary of another company.

Chariot Managing Director Robert Horlin-Smith is to stand trial for charges relating to his time as company secretary of Norman Wines. Chariot issued a brief statement late yesterday announcing the Australian Securities and Investment Commission had committed Mr Horlin-Smith to trial.

Mr Horlin Smith was company secretary of Normans Wines between 18 October 1994 and 24 December 1999, says ASIC. Chariot company secretary, Garry Hersey, says in the company’s statement, “Mr Horlin-Smith has advised the Chariot Limited Board that these charges will be vigorously defended”. Chariot had yet to return IDM’s calls at the time of going to press.

Mr Horlin-Smith was remanded on bail and is scheduled to appear in the Adelaide District Court on August 28.

The news adds to Chariots woes. Earlier this month the company told the ASX that it was facing a claim from its former VoIP partner, Transcom, for alleged breach of contract. Mr Horlin-Smith and another director Paul Buttery were also facing claims for pecuniary damages from Transcom.

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