Childcare PIN To Stop Fraud, Improve Safety

Childcare PIN To Stop Fraud, Improve Safety

May 11th, 2006: The Federal Government is looking to impliment and a new national PIN based identification system to help manage childcare services, increase safety and eliminate subsity fraud.

From January 2007, the Governement says that parents will be required to enter a pin number into a computer when they drop their child off at childcare. A timeframe that appears to be optimistic considering it is still struggling with the national HealthConnect system, and won’t even be calling for tenders for this project for another six to eight weeks.

The PIN ID system is expected to cost $50 million, however it is also expected to save money by stopping centres claiming subsidies for children who do not turn up.

Apart from stamping out fraud, the system will enable the Government to monitor attendance and keep track on childcare vacancies from a central agency. It will also increase security by allowing only PIN holders to pick up children.

"You could have five people authorised to pick up the child and they will all be able to have individual PIN numbers," says Families and Community Services Minister Mal Brough.

Childcare operators have raised concerns that the ID system could be problematic in emergencies if someone other than the PIN holder had to pick up a child.

It is currently unclear exactly how the computerised system will work, however the Government is reportedly open to suggestions from tendering companies on how to best verify parents identities.

Perhaps it has found another use for the “smartcard” already.

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