Road Warriors Get ACT Together

Road Warriors Get ACT Together

April 6th, 2006: Melbourne’s Sage CRM has announced the release ACT! By Sage Premium for Web 8.0, claiming increases in security, constant access to customer data and more robust team collaboration for remote workers.

Sage is pitching ACT! for the web at small to medium enterprises (SMEs) saying it enables remote, travelling and onsite sales professionals and workgroups to have real-time access to centralised customer data.

Built on the ACT! by Sage 8.0 framework, ACT! for Web has been developed using Microsoft’s .NET and features customisable opportunity fields and data access permission settings that allow administrators to adjust how data is supplied to individual users. It also includes scheduled automatic database back ups and added security options.

“Organisations using ACT! by Sage Premium for Web 8.0 can expect a rapid return on investment while maintaining complete ownership of their customer data, avoiding on-going subscription fees and benefiting from the ability to add users, capacity and storage to optimise their business,” says Ken Prokopec, ACT! Regional Business Manager. “What’s more, the solution truly allows users to work however they wish by providing access to real-time, centralised customer data whether they’re running ACT! on the Web, their desktops or from remote locations.”

ACT! by Sage Premium for Web 8.0 is available now for an RRP (inc GST) of $499 for the full version or $325 for the upgrade.

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