E-Governance unleashed

E-Governance unleashed

May/June Edition, 2008: Autonomy promises its information governance platform will reduce the risks inherent in managing information by applying policy based on understanding what an email, document or phone recording says instead of relying solely on its metadata.

To automate real-time policy management, Autonomy Information Governance provides a dynamic and real-time environment to visualize and control policy-driven information in the organization. This is accomplished through a vendor-neutral infrastructure using more than 400 out-of-the-box data repository connectors that allow management in place and retrieval of email, documents, audio, or video information across the entire enterprise.

“Developments in the global regulatory and legal environment are compelling many corporations to start taking a unified approach to IT governance, IT compliance, and IT risk management, which have historically existed as discrete functional silos within corporations,” said Vivian Tero, Research Manager, Compliance Infrastructure, IDC. “Having a unified and consolidated framework facilitates the mapping of dependencies between regulations and policies with the appropriate controls and information and computing assets.”

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