ABS DENIES Customs Computers To Blame for AU$1.1billion Deficit

ABS DENIES Customs Computers To Blame for AU$1.1billion Deficit

January 10, 2006: The benighted Australian Customs computer system will not lay down and die, and is being blamed for a AU$1.1-billion rise in the trade deficit. But the Australian Bureau of Statistics has come to its rescue with a strong denial.

It has been widely publicised that the failed Customs computer system caused a backlog of merchandise at Australian ports of entry for the month of October 2005. Analysts have claimed since the initial release that this was to be seen as a major contributor to the 44th consecutive trade deficit.

The ABS has now posted a clarification on its website which, in précis, states: "Neither the ABS nor Customs has any evidence that the increase in November imports is the result of errors, duplicates, delays from October processing or problems with the new Customs system."

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