Yahoo! and Seven Launch New Web Business

Yahoo! and Seven Launch New Web Business

January 30, 2006: In E-Commerce news, Yahoo! and the Seven Network have announced that they have joined forces and launched the new portal Yahoo!7 in direct competition to NineMSN.

Yahoo!7 is a 50-50 partnership that will see three representatives from each company manning the new business’s board and driving it forward via a “feature-rich homepage” that Yahoo!7 claims gives consumers “access to a vast array of content offered by these two leading media companies.”

The board will comprise of Seven’s Pacific Magazines division chairman, Ryan Stokes, Seven’s commercial director, Bruce McWilliam and its digital media group head Rohan Lund. Yahoo! will be represented by John Marcom, its senior vice president, international operations, Ira Kurgan, chief business officer for the Yahoo! Media Group, and Pam Thompson, Yahoo!’s regional vice-president of emerging markets. John Marcom has also been named as chairman of Yahoo!7.

Yahoo!7 is looking to seamlessly integrate Seven’s print and online media with Yahoo!’s search technology to create an über entertainment portal. It has already announced new websites for flagship shows such as Sunrise. According to the company there is much more in the way of personalisation and “user-generated content” on the way.

“We are extremely excited to launch Yahoo!7 and integrate the finest entertainment, information and communications experience for Australian internet users.” says Ryan Stokes, Seven’s chairman of Pacific Magazines division. “ Today is the start of the journey as we continue to roll out new online initiatives that combine the strengths of Seven and Yahoo!.”

“Yahoo! touches the lives of nearly five million Australians every month with a broad range of unique products and popular services,” says John Marcom, the new chairman of Yahoo!7. “By combining this reach and these features with the original content and blockbuster programming of the Seven Network, we can offer our users unique and compelling, entertaining and informative content.” 

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