$100 Grand Buried on Aussie Beach

$100 Grand Buried on Aussie Beach

December 12, 2005: In an unashamed publicity stunt, an Australian website has buried $100,000 on one of five Aussie beaches. And there it will stay until someone deciphers the clues and digs it up.

The website, www.Hotbar.com.au, is new on the search engine scene and is using the stunt to raise its profile and traffic flow. Visitors to the website must solve cryptic clues to firstly identify which are the five beaches in question, and then one final clue to solve the exact location of the loot.

The new website has an agreement with Google to use its über engine, so it is in essence acting more like a portal that a fully fledge engine. So why use Hotbar when you can just use Google? Because you can win of course. Aside from the sandy 100 grand, the site is also giving away daily cash prizes of up to $1000.

The name Hotbar brings forth memories of the insidiously parasitic hotbar.com however, Hotbar.com.au is “in no way connected to hotbar.com” says Hotbar.com.au creator Chris Dutton.

Just using the search engine puts you in the running for the daily cash prize, however for the 100 large you’re going to have to use your brain, a shovel and maybe some capsicum spray if you think X marks the spot in Cronulla.

What’s your pick for the winning beach?

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