OECD picks Aussie eMTC over instead of Adobe PDF
OECD picks Aussie eMTC over instead of Adobe PDF
Oct 4, 2005: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has launched a new electronic version of the Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital - eMTC
Designed by Eurofield Information Solutions, eMTC includes everything international Tax professionals need for reference, including the full text of the Convention as it reads on 28 January 2003 and up to date commentaries, histories, reservations and non-member economy positions.
Making use of eComPress technology, the full publication can be permanently compressed for use on laptops, giving greater control to Tax professionals. "Traditionally we have used PDF format, and for the majority of our electronic publications it is ideal. However, the length and content of the Model Tax Convention made PDF a poor solution." said Toby Green, Head of Dissemination and Marketing at OECD "We know that this is a mobile community who need to access reference material from their laptops and that they need to be confident that they have the latest version."
The package can also be continually kept up to date via email updates. "With the new eMTC we can pass updates on to our users via email alerts. They will be very confident they are working with the most up-to-date material." Said Green
The Model Tax Convention (MTC) is considered the benchmark for negotiating, implementing and interpreting tax conventions between countries, eMTC takes this one step further by delivering updates on demand and complete accessibility.Related Article:
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