Blogging made easier through new guide

Blogging made easier through new guide

Sep 22, 2005: A comprehensive new guide to blogging has been released by a well distinguished author for the purpose of teaching potential bloggers how to design, build, organise and operate a sucessful blog.

Michael Bergman, the author of one of the most popular Internet search guides and the original discover, researcher and educator on the "deep Web" has released the "Comprehensive Guide to a Professional Blog Site."

The free 80-page PDF Guide links to 80 additional sources and covers more than 100 topics and "how to" tips ranging from installing software and plug-ins to design, styles and templates, and to organisational and effectiveness techniques.

Bergman said that he didn't start out to produce a guide when he first took the blogging plunge.

"But I soon found that the journal style of blog writing is perfectly suited to 'document as you go' and the memorialising of learning, I've become a big fan of topic-by-topic discovery that can be 're-factored into more comprehensive guide books."

Some of the topics in the guide include advice on how to choose blogging software; taking control of the blogging process by hosting your own site; effective techniques for converting existing documents to your blog site HTML and being efficient in posting, organising and work-flowing to all your diarist activities to flow naturally and productively.

Bergman added that his research found that there is a shortage of free 'how to' guides to blogging that emphasis software, mechanics and infrastructure.

"I hope this helps other serious bloggers that want to seize the reins for themselves in creating and then maintaining a professional blog site."

The preparation took 350 hours to complete over four months, and it includes detailed breakouts of distinct blog-preparation steps and the time to do them as broken down by research, set-up, adding tools, working out techniques, composition and posting.

The guide estimates that a "typical" professional blog site with much functionality and is hosted locally takes about 100 hours to put in place, half of which is devoted to research and learning techniques.

Click here to register for the guide.

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