Microsoft cracks down on 117 scammers

Microsoft cracks down on 117 scammers

April 4th, 2005: Microsoft is keeping up the pressure on identity thieves by launching 117 new law suits against phishing scammers, but warned that the public to exercise the same caution when doing online business as they would in the physical world.

Users are advised to stop responding to emails or pop-ups that asks for personal information.

Aaron Kornblum, the Internet Safety Enforcement attorney at Microsoft, said: "The Internet has revolutionised the way we communicate, transact business and educate ourselves. We must work together to stop these con artists from misusing the Internet as a tool for fraud.

"Microsoft provides consumers with the information and technology that will protect all of us from this pervasive and destructive threat, and has filed legal action today against some of these individuals."

Microsoft has provided advice too on how users can try to avoid these scams. They have been warned to be suspicious if someone contacts them unexpectedly out of the blue and asks for personal information.

In addition, they have been told not to click on a link in an email message that asks for your personal information; and if someone accuses them of being a victim of fraud, verify the person's identity before you provide any personal information.

Microsoft hopes that these law suits will uncover the identity of some of the biggest scammers in the world, which it hopes will go some way towards decreasing the frequency of attacks.

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