eBay tries to kill off phishing scams
eBay tries to kill off phishing scams
A private messages services has been created by eBay in Australia, specifically for eBay members to provide a much more secure environment for them to exchange messages securely, free from false phishing emails.
My Messages has been designed to allow eBay members to keep up to date on useful information about buying, selling and other important information about each user's account.
This will be a read-only inbox, and eBay has promised that all of the messages will be only from eBay because no third parties will be able to send messages to My Messages.
eBay said that customers should have greater confidence that messages are genuine because messages will be sent to this system instead of to traditional email accounts. This means that users will not be able to reply to messages, therefore a scam released in My Messages would be pointless.
eBay released a statement that said: "Finding My Messages will be simple: There will be a My Messages link in the My eBay Views navigation column on the left side of you're my eBay pages, below All Buying and All Selling (or Seller Manager Pro). You can also reach My Messages from messaging reminders that appear in My eBay At A Glance."
With phishing scams on the increase all of the time, this new idea by eBay could pave the way forward for many other organisations to follow suit if it becomes successful.
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