Microsoft stalled by spyware legal problems

Microsoft stalled by spyware legal problems

Dec 20th, 2004: Microsoft's plans to offer new software to help customers cope with vulnerabilities following the take over of anti-spyware company Giant Company Software could be scuppered after Sunbelt Software claimed that its share in the company would restrict Microsoft's use of the technology.

Microsoft made the acquisition to provide customers with new tools to help protect them from the threat of spyware and other deceptive software, and key personnel from Giant will also join Microsoft's team.

The plan is to make a beta version of a spyware protection, detection, and removal tool available within a month, based on the Giant AntiSpyware product. It will scan a customer's PC to locate spyware and other deceptive software threats and enable customers to remove them.

Mike Nash, the corporate vice president of the security business and technology unit at Microsoft, said: "Spyware is a serious and growing problem for PC users, and customers have made it clear that they want Microsoft to deliver effective solutions to protect against the threat.

"Through this acquisition we're excited to be able to provide near-term relief to Windows customers by offering new technology to help keep spyware and other deceptive software off their PCs."

Microsoft, however, has admitted that Sunbelt Software is part owner of Giant's AntiSpyware software, but it strongly denies that this will stop it from developing new products based on the code.

It claims that although Sunbelt Software has a co-ownership of an older version of Giant's antispyware software, this does not prevent Microsoft from developing new products.

However, experts say that Microsoft will have to seek Sunbelt's permission if and when it chooses to provide a third party with access to the Giant Software code.

In addition, through the co-ownership position, Giant AntiSpyware definitions could be used in Sunbelt products.

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