Aussies happy with broadband

Aussies happy with broadband

Nov 26th, 2004: Broadband services in Australia have received a vote of confidence by an Australian Communications Authority study, which states that Internet services in this country are very reliable and fast.

One of the most significant findings in the study was the consistency of service for broadband customers across technologies and in urban, rural and remote areas.

Acting ACA chairman, Dr. Bob Horton, said the study found that those connected to broadband through different technologies including DSL, cable and satellite, experienced reliable data rates and service availability.

Dr Horton said that the study also found no evidence of significant consumer detriment and therefore, so there was no strong ground for regulatory intervention by the ACA.

"Data rates were found to be very consistent, with each technology achieving around 80 percent of the relevant plan rate on average across Australia.

"This reflects the limitations of communication protocols and the 'best-endeavours' nature of the Internet.

"Regional variations in performance were minimal with results for DSL showing very low levels of variability in download and upload data rates.

"As expected, cable users achieved very high download and upload data rates, but with far greater levels of variation."

The performance results showed that out of all of the networks studied, all were estimated to be delivering 99.7 percent availability, or less than two hours network downtime per month.

ACA said that the aim of the study was to ensure that consumers are well-informed about the performance they can expect from the broadband services they are offered and the factors that may affect their experience when using broadband.

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