Microsoft release Office Apps for Financial Services

Microsoft release Office Apps for Financial Services

Month Date, 2008: The world’s biggest software company has released the Financial Services Office Business Applications (OBA) component library.

Launched at Microsoft’s (MS) sixth annual Financial Services Developer Centre, the new software connects existing Office software to other MS technologies such as SQL Server and SharePoint. The built-in solution will model how people work within financial service firms on a day to day basis, while combining existing workflows to improve efficiency.

“Financial services firms are seeking to leverage information technology to respond to volatile and evolving market conditions, while at the same time making investments that integrate into the way people actually work,” said Mike Walker, architecture strategist, Microsoft.

Walker explains that the new software package provides real-world scenarios that illustrate how new business applications can be built. The Financial Services OBA library encompasses 90 components which act as common financial methodologies and web service protocols.

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