Tassie Govt. extends commitment to IBM
Tassie Govt. extends commitment to IBM
It's a case of 'same again, and then some' for IBM in Tasmania, with the Tasmanian Government having signed an agreement with the vendor to extend its commitment to using Lotus Notes and Domino Server software for another five years through the renewal of 3,000 licences, as well as purchasing an additional 1,000 licences for future use.
According to the Tasmanian Government, the deal signifies a 'whole of government' approach to licensing under the guidance of the Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment. Five other departments are also using Lotus Notes as part of a collective IBM enterprise licence agreement.
"Simplification of our licensing made sense as we are committed to using the Lotus Notes platform," said Sen Dharmadasa, Manager, Corporate Information Technology, Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment. "We're also increasingly working together on cross-departmental projects, which requires an effective collaboration platform."
Max McLaren, Regional Manager for IBM Lotus Software, Australia and New Zealand, commented: "This is a significant win for IBM. Tasmanian Government joins the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Victorian Government and Northern Territory Government, which use Lotus software to enhance collaboration between departments and extend online services to taxpayers. At the heart of this win for IBM is the understanding that Lotus software offers much more functionality than only email."
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