Porsche performance
Porsche performance
With budget cuts and redundancies many IT executives can no longer claim to have the keys to a Porsche in their pocket, but a little bit of Porsche could slip into their pocket and also contain all the vital data they need.
LaCie has just released a new range of portable storage devices to enable executives to copy large files and transport them. Data Bank is small pocket sized hard disk device that stores 20GB of data. At just 140 grams it is the size of a credit card and thinner than a mobile phone (for now, the phones will no doubt be smaller soon!) Two ports support USB 2.0 and FireWire for data transfer and LaCie claim it is hot pluggable.
LaCie has a reputation for creating stylish peripheries and for hiring leading designers and artists to add the aesthetics to its products. Past creators include Scotland's Neil Poulton. For the Data Bank LaCie hired Ferdinand Porsche, son of the Porsche car company founder. Ferdinand runs a successful design consultancy in Austria.
As a result, the Data Bank is in magnesium and shaped like an ingot and is just 111mm by 63 by 14mm.
Lacie is pitching the device at workers who need to transport data heavy files. It will be available in February for $775.
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