Senator Conroy’s Expanded Portfolio Good for ICT

Senator Conroy’s Expanded Portfolio Good for ICT

By Greg McNevin

December 3, 2007: The Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) has welcomed Senator Stephen Conroy as the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, claiming that the expanded portfolio is a win for ICT sector.

AIIA CEO Sheryle Moon says that during his time as Shadow Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Senator Conroy was a strong advocate of improved telecommunications infrastructure and the wider ICT industry in Australia.

Now that he has taken charge of a portfolio refocussed to include the digital economy, Moon says that it is important that the ICT industry is recognised at the level of policy and legislation for its wider contribution to Australia’s national interests.

The association supports the ALP’s plans for a national broadband infrastructure, saying that the parties pitch during the election was viable.

“The first order of the day for the new minister must be to provide Australia with a clear timetable for the rollout of a national broadband infrastructure,” said Moon. “Australian business needs this information now if it is to compete successfully in a global marketplace.”

While the association recognises that the government has presented good policies in other areas that will address pressures on the global competitiveness of the Australian ICT industry, it notes that what the industry requires is clear vision and consistent leadership across many areas of policy - including education, trade and the environment.

“Science and technology-led innovation in the services sector will be critical to the digital economy,” said Moon. “In this regard AIIA would like to see a strong emphasis on the Innovation Future for Australian Industry paper, presented by the ALP prior to the election.”

The AIIA has long held that innovation is the foundation of industry growth, and on this front Moon said that there is “considerable work” required to ensure that any vision for industry growth can be transferred into effective policy and action on the ground.

“For an industry that contributes 4.6% of GDP, employs 500,000 people, exports $5.7 billion in goods and services, and that will enable the solutions to many of Australia’s most pressing problems, we hope that nothing less is considered,” concluded Moon.

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