IBM Acquires AptSoft Corporation

IBM Acquires AptSoft Corporation

Month Date, 2008: The acquisition notices just keep flying with IBM letting it slip that they are acquiring the Massachusetts based software company AptSoft.

The purchase is aimed at boosting IBM’s business event processing software portfolio known as Websphere which has been simmering on its way to a projected big year in 2008. Financial details of the deal have not been disclosed but it follows on from several other acquisitions which have boosted IBM’s Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) divisions.

"As SOA continues to evolve, companies are linking event processing and BPM to gain deeper insight into the transactions and events that shape their business and industries as a whole," said Frank Chisholm, former CEO and founder of AptSoft. "we look forward to integrating AptSoft products with IBM's offerings to help ensure the alignment of business and IT which will lead to greater customer success."

AptSoft’s software currently helps businesses uncover problems with disparate business events in a selected time period. IBM believes this will become increasingly important as companies focus on micro-managing and analyzing even the most minute of changes.

“AptSoft enables customers to capture events as they happen with an intuitive user interface designed for business analysts," said Tom Rosamilia, general manager, IBM WebSphere software. "AptSoft complements IBM's SOA strategy and augments our business events capabilities to help our customers maximize their existing investments in SOA."

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