HP hops into cloud consulting

HP hops into cloud consulting

June 25, 2009:HP is helping Australia companies integrate the cloud into their broader IT strategy, with a new portfolio of consulting services for enterprise users.

The HP Cloud Discovery Workshop is designed to help enterprise IT organisations learn about the cloud as a strategic service delivery option and how to leverage it as part of a broader IT service delivery strategy.

Available in July, the workshop is designed to:

· Educate customers on the cloud and multi-sourcing service delivery strategies;

· Outline benefits, risks and implications of the cloud within the business; and

· Provide recommendations on people, process and technology for using the cloud as part of an IT and business strategy.

The HP Cloud Roadmap Service offers customers a service for planning and adopting cloud as part of their service delivery strategy.

“Despite the promise of cloud computing, organisations still need help in understanding how to leverage and enable the cloud as part of a service delivery strategy,” said Robert Yue, Country Manager, Software and Solutions, HP South Pacific.

“HP cloud consulting services can address this knowledge gap by helping chief information officers optimise sourcing investments, develop strategies to deliver services faster while meeting service levels, and enable multichannel service delivery to align IT and the business.”

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