Email archiving for Lotus Notes and Domino

Email archiving for Lotus Notes and Domino

July 16, 2009:Dexmar has announce the latest release of its E2M collaborative email archiving solution for Lotus Notes and Domino has now been updated to work with the latest MoReq2 specifications around email management.

After many years spent working in the information management space, Dexmar claims the two big problems with this space are how to manage emails and how to get you users to use these systems.

Dexmar E2M allows users to create tagged, secure and searchable team spaces around their email folders. Users can then simply drag their emails into these shared folders where the emails are automatically archived into your central information management repositories and the correct meta-data and security is seamlessly applied.

In addition, Dexmar ERM enables you to provide a secure, long-term storage and targeted disposal for all your business records.

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