Microsoft Office Up For Sale

Microsoft Office Up For Sale

By Nathan Statz

November 30, 2007: Despite the misleading headline, Microsoft’s old office is actually up for sale, only it’s the original premises where the company was founded and not its popular application suite.

Microsoft was originally housed at the Albuquerque site in New Mexico from 1975 when Bill Gates and Paul G Allen started the company through to 1979 when they traded up in premises. The real estate agent who are selling the office building even boast that you can “Own a piece of history and has a notice referring to the sites ties with the software giant.

Nowadays Microsoft isn’t slumming it in a minor office warehouse but rather owns a suite of corporate enclosures throughout the world, including its flagship Redmond Campus which boasts more then 30,000 employee’s across 2.4 million square metres of facilities.

The site was also made famous by the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley which was a fictionalised account of the rise of Apple and Microsoft and featured a mock versions of the Microsoft offices as part of the movie.

Those seduced by the idea of owning the birthplace of Microsoft can have at it for $US 82,950 ($AU 93,618).

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