Free tool tracks PCI DSS compliance

Digital forensics and incident response specialists Foregenix has released a free downloadable data discovery tool to help businesses identify and eliminate rogue cardholder data.

FScout Enterprise scans users’ systems to identify unprotected and legacy data residing on servers, desktops or laptops. It allows retailers, card payment processors and acquiring banks to determine the scope for their PCI DSS compliance programmes and take action by encrypting or securely removing hidden or unprotected ‘rogue’ cardholder data.

The release of FScout Enterprise follows the recent announcement by the PCI Security Standards Council of PCI DSS version 2.0. The new version of the standard reinforces the need for businesses to have an accurate and regular methodology in place for finding and securing unprotected and legacy cardholder data to accurately define their PCI scope, and more importantly, to reduce their risk.

“Unprotected cardholder data is a significant risk to business”, says Benj Hosack, director at Foregenix. “Unfortunately, in many data breach cases, the business is not even aware that the compromised data was residing on their systems. By introducing FScout Enterprise a business can quickly and accurately identify where they have unprotected cardholder data, enabling them to proactively mitigate the risk. FScout Enterprise will perform an essential role in any business' PCI DSS compliance and security program”.


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