AIIA Praises Coalition for ICT Training Scheme

AIIA Praises Coalition for ICT Training Scheme

By Greg McNevin

October 31, 2007: After yesterday criticising both major political parties for short-changing Australian voters on ITC policy, the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) has today come out and praised the Coalition’s new training voucher scheme as a munch-needed “shot in the arm for small businesses.”

The association says that the Coalition’s training voucher scheme is a welcome boost for small ICT operators.

“This is great news for SMEs in the ICT space,” said AIIA Chief Executive Officer Sheryle Moon. “One of the biggest obstacles to growth in our industry is the need to build capacity with operators and employees.

“There is an extraordinary entrepreneurial culture within ICT in Australia and it’s imperative we nurture that trend. As a venture grows it needs additional business, finance, sales and marketing skills, and it is in these key areas that the Coalition has provided a welcome boost with the Work Skills Voucher program,” added Moon.

The AIIA, which runs an SME Entrepreneurs program in conjunction with the Macquarie Graduate School of Management, claims that many employers are feeling the squeeze when it comes to skilled labour, and believes that it’s never been more important to invest in up-skilling existing employees than it is now.

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