Concept Searching partners with Kodak

Concept Searching, a developer of  semantic metadata generation, auto-classification, and taxonomy management software has entered into a partnership agreement with Kodak’s Document Imaging Business.

Technology from Concept Searching will be used to offer higher order conceptual metadata at capture stage direct from the scanner, and intelligently route documents, identify sensitive information, and automatically declare documents of record.

Concept Searching’s Smart Content Framework is a toolset based on its flagship product conceptClassifier for SharePoint, that provides the enterprise infrastructure framework to mitigate risk, automate processes, manage information, protect privacy, and address compliance issues.

Running natively in SharePoint, it improves search, provides an enterprise metadata repository, automates records management, ensures compliance, protects and secures data, and facilitates migration.

Martin Garland, President of Concept Searching, commented, “We are excited to partner with Kodak, combining our market-leading software technology with its expertise in delivering document imaging solutions.

“Concept Searching is Microsoft's only managed partner in the SharePoint ecosystem delivering taxonomy management and auto-classification, and our Microsoft suite of products is unique in its native integration with the SharePoint 2010 Term Store and managed metadata properties.

“This makes Concept Searching the ideal partner for Kodak customers looking to manage intelligent capture, combining paper records with digital information, while at the same time applying and enforcing policies, mitigating risk and ensuring compliance.”

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