New Search Technologies data connectors

Search Technologies has released two new data connectors for Lotus Notes and Atlassian Confluence, adding to its growing list of available connectors. These two data connectors will allow organisations to better access, extract, and search unstructured content from these repositories for enterprise search and big data applications. They also offer the ability to authenticate document level security, parse metadata, cleanse content, and optimise performance.

“Establishing the data connectivity layer is among the most challenging parts of an enterprise search or big data implementation project,” said Kamran Khan, CEO of Search Technologies. “Combined with our expert services, our Aspire Data Connectors provide a connectivity solution in even the most complex environments. Customers use them with the Google Search Appliance, Solr, FAST, SharePoint, and Hadoop. 

"An application-independent data connectivity layer that brokers unstructured content from both the enterprise and external sources enables organisations to be much more agile in the way they leverage content assets.”

Data connectors are the foundation of enterprise search systems. They extract content from enterprise repositories for indexing into the search engine.

“Many off-the-shelf data connectors make functional compromises in pursuit of plug-and-play capabilities,” added Khan. 

“Sacrificing functionality or usability hurts an organisation’s ability to get full value from any search product and frustrate users. Our experts design custom data connectors with a no-compromise approach to processing efficiency, data quality, and security. We also back our Aspire Data Connectors with maintenance and support services. This way, when repositories grow or change, we can keep search capabilities running smoothly.”

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