Comintelli releases Knowledge XChanger 8

Comintelli has released Version 8 of Knowledge XChanger, its enterprise platform for knowledge management and competitive intelligence.

Comintelli says the phenomenal growth of data is creating the need for an efficient tool to manage vast volumes of data. Conventional solutions built on database logic do not have the capability to manage these surging volumes of unstructured data. On the other hand, says Comintelli, Knowledge XChanger 8 is a search-based application that has the ability to effectively organize, structure and manage big data.

Further, Comintelli reports, Knowledge XChanger addresses information overload challenges by applying structure and search on top of both internally produced information and externally retrieved content.

Knowledge XChanger 8 automates the following processes:

- aggregating content from multiple sources,

- classifying content using topic maps (taxonomies),

- searching full-text documents,

- analysing trends and patterns, and

- delivering content in a relevant format to authorised users.

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