Aussie Enterpriser’s US Launch

Aussie Enterpriser’s US Launch

By Nathan Statz

August 9th, 2007: Australian enterprise software provider, CentricMinds (CM) has launched its US office with the target to triple sales.

The ambitious sales aim is relying on a huge surge into the US market following the launch. “Our goal is to achieve more than $5 million in sales during the next two years, more than half of which will come from the US” said Tod Pedler, CM founder and CEO. The push will aim to capitalise on CM’s bundling of both Java and Microsoft .NET versions of the product.

Part of the strategy involves pursuing business relations in the new market segment CM is exploring. According to Pedler, CM is hoping to establish a licensing agreement with a larger software vendor, a move which would allow the distribution of CM software as part of a larger package.

The flagship of CM’s portfolio is its content management software which “goes straight to solving the problem of managing unstructured data” said Jim Pravette, CM’s newly appointed US head. CM’s content management system is used by over 50,000 users at more then 300 sites in Australia, Hong Kong, the UK, Canada, Mexico and Venezuela. . The move is being projected to be so successful due to the the CMS segment of the US software market being so hot at the moment, according to Pravette.

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