
Many organisations are facing challenges in setting metadata and applying properties to content stored in SharePoint. At Prometix we experienced this issue recently when delivering a large document management rollout project.

Simon Froude has been announced as the new Director-General of the National Archives of Australia (National Archives). Five new members have also been appointed to the National Archives of Australia Advisory Council.

An odd list to be grouped together, but probably anyone reading this article has an interest in all these items, whether that’s good or not. Before we dive a little deeper into the main article, let’s see if we can make any eliminations to get to our target topic. 

Australia’s financial sector regulator APRA has issued an RFI seeking information on a new digital Knowledge Management System to assist with its digital transformation. According to the tender documents, the “framework” APRA employs to manage the sector is currently spread across 350+ individual PDFs that need to be regularly updated.

Australian financial services businesses are leading the Asia Pacific in robotic process automation (RPA) adoption, with 78% of Australian organisations currently using these type of solutions according to a new survey report from Blue Prism titled “RPA In The APAC Financial Services Sector."
