
One thing that is common for every human being on the planet is that none of us were born with a celestial gift of knowing everything. From the very moment we are born, our learning journey starts, even if we don’t realise it.

I don’t think many will disagree when I say that the last 12 months have been a challenge for everyone, both personally and professionally. Whether it be managing a new working from home environment, no face-to-face meetings or interaction, home schooling or ripping up and re-writing IT strategies, it’s been a huge learning curve.

A leading provider of innovative insurance products and services, DKG Insurance Brokers chose to adopt an automation-first mindset during 2020. Their goals? To create exceptional customer experiences and opportunities for their employees; and build a more competitive, future-ready business.

A new report by MIT Technology Review Insights explores how decision-makers from leading organizations excel by deploying advanced cloud-based technologies, including analytics and machine learning capabilities.

PDF/A has become an important digital document format as governments and regulatory agencies strive to ensure that the documents they create, accept, and retain will remain usable. The addition of the VeraPDF capabilities to Datalogics PDF Checker version 2.1 will allow users to check for PDF/A compliance and conformance levels while processing documents in their digital workflows.
