
Despite the clear benefits of process improvement, many leaders fail to take the leap toward workflow automation based on an incomplete understanding of system and process automation. To stay competitive, you need to know what these myths are and why they're wrong. Armed with that knowledge, you can take the necessary steps to optimize your business and remain competitive. Here are six costly myths about process improvement.

This article aims to generate discussion about strategies to improve information security and information sharing. It considers mechanisms to support people handling sensitive information (recognising the human factor as a key vulnerability in security programs); leveraging existing systems and frameworks to enhance interoperability; and encouraging knowledge sharing between IG professionals across different domains.

International technology and services company, Profectus, has leveraged global AI-driven analytics platform, Sisense, to help save Australian businesses hundreds of hours in compliance time for the newly enacted Payment Times Reporting Scheme (PTRS).

Information Management and Governance (IMG) specialist, iCognition, has achieved full ISO27001:2013 Information Security Management certification. The recently awarded certification covers all information security aspects of the delivery, management and support of iCognition’s Electronic Document and Records Management software as a service (EDRMSaaS).

When customers are embarking on a Records Management journey with Office 365, one of the very first up-front decisions that need to be made is whether to take an in-place approach or out-of-place approach to managing records. In previous articles on the topic, AvePoint has made no secret about our position that out-of-place repositories are a more traditional approach, while an in-place strategy is more future-facing.
