
SharePoint has been a great collaboration platform for many organizations. You can easily create dynamic websites with modern, fresh templates. It’s also a great space to post and announce news to keep your team in-the-know and updated. However, beyond these great collaboration features, did you know that SharePoint can also be a great platform to manage your records?

​DocsCorp CEO and co-founder, Dean Sappey, has overseen the Australian company's growth into a global provider of software and services for document professionals who use enterprise content management systems. IDM asked Dean to outline the path to developing a global brand with 500,000+ users located in the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, and beyond.

Objective’s Enterprise Content Management software suite (Objective ECM) has been recently listed under Pae Hokohoko Marketplace, New Zealand’s AoG ICT panel under Content Services Software – Tier 2 in the Public Cloud Service SaaS Catalogue.

Late last year, the Queensland Audit Office released an excellent report into delivering successful technology projects. Based on current spending data, the Government of Queensland has $A1.6 billion invested in around 116 existing active projects. Of those projects, 38% of them have requested additional funding increases, and 53% are currently operating on extended timelines.

A new data privacy tool has been developed to help ensure key datasets – such as those tracking COVID-19 – can be publicly shared with an extra layer of security for sensitive personal information.
