
The US Department of Justice (DoJ) has filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google for unlawful monopolisation. The department says Google’s conduct harms competition and consumers, and reduces the ability of new innovative companies to develop and compete. It’s the most important monopolisation case in the US since 1998, when the DoJ brought proceedings against Microsoft.

TCG Process Australia has announced two upcoming webinars devoted to process automation in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Financial Services Industry (FSI) sectors.

The United States Department of Justice (DoJ) has filed a lawsuit accusing Google of using “anticompetitive tactics to maintain and extend its monopolies in the markets” for search and advertising. It is the most significant antitrust case since the US government took on Microsoft in 1998 for using its dominant position as the provider of the Windows operating system to force PC makers to bundle its Internet Explorer web browser.

The Morrison Government has announced a $A600 million investment in a new Fleet Information Environment for the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) maritime communications.

The release of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s review of the mandatory data retention regime clears the way for the immediate implementation of the 22 recommendations contained in the report, says the Law Council of Australia.
