
There is no doubt that cloud storage systems are becoming a popular option for businesses. On-premise storage can be costly, and it usually requires an IT staff to manage it.

One of the most interesting features that has been added to the PDF format since its inception way back in 1993 is the ability to create portable collections, more commonly known as PDF portfolios. Portable collections were introduced by the ISO committee as part of the PDF 1.7 specification (and expanded in PDF 2.0) and can contain multiple files integrated into a single PDF. Although “portable collection” is the name defined in the specification, for convenience we’ll be using “PDF portfolio” for the rest of this article.

Auckland-based Rental & Property Management company Goode Rentals has solved a headache in data processing for water charges utilising a sophisticated capture solution from PSIGEN.

Remote working can be a blessing. More time with family, less commuting, and meetings from the comfort of your living room. But as millions across the world switch to working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they may be putting the security and privacy of themselves, their families and their employers at risk.

"I can hardly wait for the next access certification review!" said no one—ever. But you can help turn this around with a well-managed identity governance and administration (IGA) program.
